
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Summer 1

Welcome to Summer 1! We are delighted to share the new and exciting things the children will be doing this half term.


A gentle reminder to please read and write in your child’s diary 3 or more times a week. This will really support their learning ability and help them to pass their phonics screening checks.



This term we have been writing setting descriptions. We have used the 5 senses to think about the things around us and how we can apply this in our writing. We have been into the woods to see, hear, smell, taste and touch out environment and have then written a description of this.


This term we have been continuing our numbers up to 20. The children have been working hard in answering speedy arithmetic questions in addition and subtraction.

We have been exploring new concepts of grouping and introducing new vocabulary to support our learning. 

We like to design and make!

This term we have been exploring lots of different fruit and vegetables. We explored the inside of the fruits and veg and decided that fruits have seeds and grow above the ground and veg doesn’t have seeds. We then used our favourite fruits, thinking about the sweet and sour flavours to make our own smoothies. The children used their cutting skills to cut up the fruit and fill their cups. The children then carefully helped to press the button on the blender and then tasted and evaluated their smoothies.

We celebrated the Kings Coronation and had a tea party lunch with lots of decorations and yummy sandwiches and cakes.
